Tissue Sampling

We've been busy this week collecting tissue samples from all the calves born in this Autumn. This involves using a special applicator that takes small sample from the ear of the calf and secures it in a vial. This sample is then sent to the lab for testing.
Why do we do this?
- It allows us to verify the sire of every calf, which means the pedigree information in our bull sale catalogue is very accurate.
- It allows a high-density genomic test to be carried out on each animal, meaning its EBVs will be more accurate. This is beneficial when people are looking to buy a bull & it also helps us identify standout animals from a young age.
- We can easily test for recessive genetic conditions such as DD or NH.
- It allows us to test that all animals are pestivirus negative, which is important for not only our own herd health but that of our clients.
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